Cranky Reviews

Out of Bounds

Beer Type

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Out of Bounds

Boundless IPA

Creemore Springs Brewery

5.1% Alcohol

Apparently Creemore’s IPA knows no bounds. I am not quite sure what that means so I thought I might do a tasting and try to figure it out.

Nice golden pour with a bright white head, not very hazy, a fine upstanding pour if I do say so myself. Of course you can’t judge a horse by its colour, just as you can’t judge a book by its cover.  The aroma was not that hoppy, although they describe their beer as a “hop driven IPA”. It wasn’t fruity, I would describe it as fresh. First taste was a distinctly bitter, not overpowering but maybe too much for some.

We all know how important a good first impression is, but what is more important is a good lasting impression. This is an apt description of beer tasting as often what we end up with isn’t what we start with*.  As I drank this IPA the bitterness tailed off a bit. A nice salty snack seemed to go well with the bitters. It was still pronounced but not off-putting.

The bitterness definitely took center stage on this one. Not a balanced IPA but a bit of a hop bitter style that has its place.

*Editor’s Comment: Sounds like an apt description of marriage too.

Reviewer’s Comment: For bitter or for worse.

Final Rating: Bits of Bitters 13 out of 20

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

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