Cranky Reviews

Wicked Yes

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Wicked Yes

Wicked Awesome IPA

Nickel Brook Brewery

6.5% Alcohol

I once stayed at a hotel called the Urban Hip Hotel and it was neither. Anyone who is cool doesn’t call themselves cool, someone else has to. The same way that someone who is an asshole doesn’t call themselves an asshole (notice my political correctness with gender neutrality), someone else does.

So they call this beer Wicked Awesome IPA. They are 2/3rds right.

The can says its “ hazy, dank and juicy.” The description is accurate. First pour was very cloudy (hazy), first taste was very hoppy (juicy) and funky (dank). Junk in the trunk. Hoppy and bitter. More bitter than a divorcee who was replaced by someone half their age and came to an alimony settlement just before their ex won the lottery. Note the definition of a divorcee is someone who has been divorced and does not indicate the gender, once again politically correct on my part.

I finished the can and it ended up being OK as halfway through the can my taste buds were shot and the dankness and juicyness just became beer coldness and my chips tasted like stale triscuits. Wicked, yes. IPA, definitely. Awesome, debatable.

Final Rating: Awesome No 12 out of 20

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

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