Cranky Reviews

Socks Still On

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


Socks Still On

Sawmill Lager

Bancroft Brewery

4.5% Alcohol

Ok, have mentioned this once or twice before, but these Craft Beer makers are a generally forthright and honest bunch. If they have something different about their beer … they usually tell you about it right on the can. In this case the sub-heading is “Flavoured Beer”. That set me back a step. I mean, is it a beer with flavour … seems doubtful that you need to put that on the can, so I guess they’ve added flavour … which would definitely not stand with the German purity laws. So if you’re into purity, this one is not for you.

So what does it taste like? The flavour is pretty crisp with some bitterness that’s not overpowering and that fades quickly. Frankly, it tastes more like an ale than a lager to me. I’m not sure what flavour they added – but it is subtle. Some earthy tones, but otherwise fairly clean and crisp.

I liked it, but it didn’t knock my socks off.

Final Rating: A Decent Fine and Upstanding 14 out of 20

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


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