Cranky Reviews

Game Time

Czech Style Dark Lager

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Game Time

T'mave Pivo

The Grist Brew Kitchen

4.6% Alcohol

What time is it? Game time! And whose playing in the final for winter’s favourite sport?  Two of our favourite winter destinations, Florida and Vegas, of course.  And once again the house wins. The hits and the referee’s glaucoma were the two main themes of the evening. I noticed that the TV coverage replays a highlight goal twice, and a bone shaking/shattering injury inducing check about 6 times. He almost took his head off, analyze that 6 ways to Sunday.

Of course, game time and I’m game for a tasty brew. I needed a wing can to cheer on neither team. Unfortunately I have to go to the golf channel for a chance to watch my Leafs in action. The COMDB translation department had to take on the Czech of the night, that being T’Mave Pivo.* “Dark Lager” they tells us. I could have had my glass translate that. Will it be a cross Czech or will we be Czeching the super suds box on the old review sheet? Do tell.

Grist’s take on the classic Czech dark lager, the Czech’s take on the classic German Dunkel, is driven by barley malt. It pours dark for sure, black as midnight shellac. No head in the immediate vicinity.  Nice stout like aroma, smells damn tasty is what it smells like.  Full flavoured, a great roasted dark malt body, with a cocoa touch and a slight coffee bitter finish. All of that with a lager mouthfeel. This well-balanced combo makes for a full flavoured yet easy drinking dark. 500 ml of deep, dark and delicious. A game time Grist great.

*Editor’s Comment: First inspired by the German Dunkles, Tmavé Pivo is the Czech answer to the German Schwarzbier. The Czech craft masters are famous for their pilsners, so this dark lager type represents a very small portion of their brewing output.

Final Rating: Best Czech of the Night at 17 out of 20

Czech Style Dark Lager

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info


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