Cranky Reviews

Micro Towers

Micro IPA

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


IBU 30

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Micro Towers

Three Towers

Gateway City Brewery

2.9% Alcohol

If you think the three towers has a familiar ring to it, you may be thinking of Tolkien’s Two Towers. Or maybe the good folks at  Gateway City are referring to the castle located south-west of Highgarden and Oldtown, on the edge of the Redwyne Straits?* But if you know GC like I know GC you would know that they are referring to something much closer to home. As in the Three Towers Mountain Biking Trail. Gateway’s fearless frog is shredding the rollers on this gnarly trail. My own philosophy is mountains are best enjoyed from a distance and biking or hiking one of them just sounds like hard work.

What isn’t hard work is popping the top and quaffing a micro IPA. As low as you can go without being a zero, micro brews are extra light which might be just right tonight.

A nice golden pour, with a head to match. A mild fruit and hops aroma. I think the adjective “mild” is going to get a workout today. First taste, it’s an IPA, barely. Nice juice with mild hops and a slightly bitter finish. A beginner’s IPA, what the kids 19 and over could bottle feed on until they are ready for a nice Juicy Ass. That didn’t sound right, did it? Anyway, it’s mild enough to definitely be crushable, light and refreshing. I found that as I worked my way down it became milder, if that is possible. It is what it is, and what it is is micro.

I like my brews a little stronger, but just like an Editor, I guess micros do have a place in a tolerant and accommodating society.**

*Editor’s Comment: Tolkien’s second book in the six volume Lord of the Rings series is called “The Two Towers”, which is a bit of a misnomer since there are 5 towers described in the book. The second reference is to the Three Towers castle in the Game of Thrones.

**Editor’s Comment: It seems that overworked and under-appreciated often go hand in hand.

Final Rating: Three Tiny Towers Somehow Adds Up to a 13 out of 20

Micro IPA

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


Other Info

IBU 30


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