Cranky Reviews

Sometimes All You Want is An IPA

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


Sometimes All You Want is An IPA


Bellwoods Brewery

7.1% Alcohol

Another candidate for a COMDB beer naming party. An IPA, that’s some pretty lazy beer naming if you ask me. With over 170,000 words in the English language you would think you might be able to string together an adjective and a noun at least and come up with something, anything. But if we stick with Bellwoods’ basic approach, consider the following. If it’s tasty enough perhaps we will call it An-other IPA, if it’s a run of the mill brewski we could call it Another IPA. If it isn’t very good we will wish we had sampled An Other IPA. We have sampled a number of Bellwoods brews including a few IPAs so we could call it The Other IPA. If it is the best we have ever had we will call it The IPA. A number of potential minimalist monikers are at our disposal.*

But the brew of the day is An IPA, do say. An OJ pour, solid, sturdy and substantial. In other words, thick. The next to no head that may have been present quickly left the scene of the pour. Citrus juicy and hoppy on the nose. The taste is citrus juice with fizz and a bit of a funky hop malt with a bitter finish, and a boozy burn of an aftertaste. All things IPA in An IPA.

More complex than a politician’s taxes, and certainly more complex than its name would imply.  All the elements settled down a bit but with the same jumble of all things IPA. Every piece of the puzzle trying to be dominant so none of the pieces fit quite right. All competing equally, the imbalance was balanced.

*Editor’s Comment: “At our disposal” seems to be fitting as all of your above suggestions will no doubt be quickly disposed of.

Final Rating: An OK IPA at 13 out of 20

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


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