A COMDB Christmas Tradition

Dec 22, 2022 | Rants / Articles

Traditions are vitally important to strengthen and reinforce family values. These are things that we cherish and remember long into our adult life and can influence how we live and treat others. Perhaps no traditions are more endearing and memorable than Christmas traditions. Church on Christmas Eve, caroling, the special meals, and of course the gift giving and receiving.

Our grandkids are very excited about Christmas each year and their advent calendar helps them count down the days. With each day their excitement grows. In their room they have a whiteboard where they track how many days until the big day and they update it daily without fail.

Some more recent traditions have become common place in our culture, Christmas TV shows such as a Charlie Brown Christmas and How the Grinch Stole Christmas come to mind. These shows actually reinforce important values and remind us of the true meaning of Christmas.

One tradition in our household that is fairly recent but has become a focal point of the holiday season for me is the elf on the beer shelf. At this magical time of the year that elf on the beer shelf, I have named him Bud, draws my attention to a beer that he thinks I may enjoy that evening. The next night it is a different selection and he tries to focus on variety, although he does seem to gravitate towards the chocolate stouts. As you can imagine I keep a fairly well stocked beer fridge with a good variety of brands and types of beer and Bud’s help saves me literally minutes each night in selecting my review brew of the evening. It is a Christmas tradition near and dear to my heart and I believe it is one that I can pass on to future generations, although the Department of Morality, that being the missus, has her concerns and tends to be more traditional when it comes to traditions.

I wonder what adult beverage Bud’s Christmas magic will be recommending tonight?

I don’t know about you, but I believe.

Merry Christmas.


  1. Wayne Mohns

    Good one Roy. Belated Merry Christmas and best of the season to you and your family

    • Roy Slack

      Thanks Wayne. Happy Holidays to you and yours too from Bud and I.


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