Coffee and a Donut Please

Apr 3, 2022 | Rants / Articles

I was in a hurry the other day driving back from the cottage but I was in dire need of my first caffeine based refreshment of the day. The logical answer: Timmie’s drive thru. A small regular and a plain old should only delay my trip by a few minutes, right? Of course, sometimes the line at the drive thru is longer than the Oscars (wouldn’t that be a slap in the face), so I wasn’t sure if I would be driving through or driving by. But I was in luck, only one truck in front of me just pulling in. It was a big-assed truck, you know the kind. Construction site pickup with the extra wheels in the back-end, junk below the trunk. The driver had trouble navigating those skinny drive-through lanes and bumped over a few curbs on the way to the order speaker. By the way, you would think with all the money Timmies is raking in, $6.7 Billion US in sales last year, that they could afford a decent drive thru order speaker system rather than something with reception that makes Bell’s first phone call in 1876 sound good. But I digress.

So no problem, only one vehicle ahead of me in line. Wrong. Big problem. That vehicle spent 7 minutes at the speaker. I think they were placing a lunch order for everyone at the construction site, and half the crew must have been lactose intolerant or gluten free. Once they were finished their order I drove up and asked for my coffee and a donut and despite the bad reception you could hear an audible sigh of relief from the other end of the line. But my ordeal wasn’t over yet.

The big-assed truck was now at the window and the driver and the lady at the window seemed to be in some kind  of presidential debate which went on and on as such things are apt to do. Tomato, no tomato; sprinkles, no sprinkles; milk, no cream. Who knows what the issues were, but there were definitely  issues. When I finally got to the window for my coffee and donut the lady in the fashionable Timmies attire (my sad attempt at sarcasm) apologized for the wait, which was very Canadian of her. I said no problem, which was very Canadian of me.  Of course, it wasn’t her fault. If you have a full cart at the grocery store you don’t go through the express check out. If you are ordering lunch for the crew, don’t do drive thru. Go to the counter and let me get my small regular and my plain donut in less than 20 minutes.


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