My Favourite Beer

Mar 22, 2024 | Rants / Articles

As an unqualified by education but accomplished by volume beer taster, I’m often asked what my favourite beer is. My pat response is “Thanks for asking Pat.” I usually tell people that ”it just so happens to be the beer I’m drinking right now.” The question could be related to genre (love me an amber) or brand or brewer.  But instead, I’d like to reframe it as my favourite beer experience.

I worked at a Mine in Northern Canada as a student. It was my first summer away from home, and I hated it. I loved the work, what I hated was being away from my friends and hearing about all the great parties, things, and people, they were doing.

When I was finished my tour of duty, I drove back through Toronto on my way home for a “pit stop”, and I met one of my best friends from high school at a bar in Toronto.

When I walked in the music playing was “New York, New York”* by Frank Sinatra. I’m not a hardcore Sinatra fan, although his enunciation is superb isn’t it. But as I walked in he was singing “these little town blues, are melting away”. Is it too late to say timing is everything? I don’t even remember what that first beer was, but I guarantee it was a good one. That was one of my favourites, but not “the” favourite.

Early in anyone’s career family is a juggling act. As a new father you want to be there for everything except the diaper changes, but sometimes it seems like that’s the only thing you’re there for. You get busy, kids are growing up and you don’t get to spend as much time with them as you want. Then they’re grown up and get busy and just when you have some time on your hands, they don’t. Harry Chapin whined about it in his song “The Cat’s in the Cradle” ** like it was some strange circumstance that only he experienced. News for you Harry, even Disney had it figured out, it’s a common phenomena called the circle of life, look it up. Hakuna matata baby.***

Anyway, my favourite and only son has been a very busy guy, first with school and now with work. But he was back in town one summer and the two of us got to play a round of golf together. It was a beautiful sunny day, so nice that not even my golf game could spoil it.

I can’t remember who won or even if we kept score,**** but after the round we went to a lakeside bistro nearby to slake our thirst. Gentle breeze off the lake, under the shade of some elms on the patio.

They had Steam Whistle on tap at the outdoor bar so we had a cold one, maybe two, we were thirsty after all.

That one was my favourite beer.  

*Editor’s Comment: “Theme from New York New York” was written by John Kander and Fred Ebb in 1977 for the movie of the same name and was originally performed by Liza Minelli. When the Yankees won a ballgame they would play the Sinatra version, when they lost they would play the Minelli version. Liza wasn’t too thrilled with that arrangement and told them so, now they play the Sinatra version win or lose.

**Editor’s Comment: “Cat’s in the Cradle” is a 1974 song written by Harry Chapin and his wife Sandra Chapin from the album “Verities and Balderdash”. It charted at number 1 for the Chapins.

***COMDB Translation Department: Hakuna matata is Swahili for “no troubles” or “take it easy”.

**** COMDB Translation Department: “I can’t remember who won” translates into “He won”.


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