Cranky Reviews

A Brew with a View

Amber Ale Draft

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 26

Other Info

A Brew with a View

2 Amber

The Exchange Brewery

5.2% Alcohol

When it comes to Niagara Falls, main street has all kinds of cheesy shops and touristy things to do, but when all is said and done the main attraction is still the main attraction, The Falls. Always impressive. It also happens to be a point of National pride that the Canadian Falls (Horseshoe Falls)  is a much more impressive view than the American Falls, eh. I guess in this case pride comes with The Falls, not before.*

The View with my Brew.

Out for dinner and we got us a room with a view, and as we all know that a view with a brew can be a winning combination too. A local draft amber from The Exchange was my selection, and what a choice choice it turned out to be. Award winning Number 2 Amber,** and anyone who has read more than one of my reviews will know by now, I love me an amber. And I remember hearing somewhere when you’re number 2 you try harder.***

A clear amber pour. It did have some head to it but a toast before I clicked a pic took care of the nice draught draw atop.  Malt and a touch of sweet in the aroma. Everything is coming up amber. A nice easy drinking malt taste with mild sweet and slight bitter on the finish. A balancing act in good taste. Smooth and sessionable. Reminiscent of a Cali Common but there’s nothing common about this great amber.

The number 1 attraction was The Falls, number 2 was The Exchange’s amber. Great beer.


*Editor’s Comment: The more common expression “pride comes before a fall” is paraphrased from the Bible, the book of Proverbs 16:18, “Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”

**Editor’s Comment: The Exchange tells us that their beers are numbered, to pay tribute to their brewery building’s early roots as the first Niagara Telephone Exchange. The lower numbers represent more approachable and sessionable beers, the higher numbers more flavourful and intense. Their amber uses crystal malts from Chile and was a winner at the 2017 Ontario Brewing Awards.

***Editor’s Comment. The 60’s ad slogan of Avis was “When You’re Number Two, You Try Harder” took a direct shot at Hertz and has has been recognized as one of the most successful ad campaigns ever. Copy writer Paula Green coined the slogan, saying that in the male dominated world of advertising “we try harder is somewhat the story of my life”.

Final Rating: Number 2 is a Number 1 in Our Books at 16 out of 20

Amber Ale Draft

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 26


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