Cranky Reviews

A Florida State of Mind

Orange Juice IPA

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


IBU 15

Other Info

A Florida State of Mind

Florida Stole My Parents

Refined Fool Brewing Co.

6.5% Alcohol

It was around 1990 that my parents started wintering in Florida, a Sebring seniors sanctuary, trailers with no wheels. I don’t remember getting a ransom note in those block cut out letters from Florida demanding a substantial payment for the return of my parents. But I do recall my Mom calling to tell me they saw Joe Carter hit a home run in the grapefruit league in Winter Park. Apparently, no ransom required.

Orange Juice groves and factories line the central highways of Fla. hence the Florida reference to this OJ IPA. I’m in need of a vitamin C injection and this brew seems like just the ticket, although the Department of Morality did question the health benefits of a Refined Fool  OJ based beer. Time to sample this sucker and see if the juice is worth the squeeze.

An orangey orange pour with a fulsome head of froth and foam. 100% hazy and headstrong this one. My first thought was almost a pineapple aroma to it, hoppy and juicy that’s for sure. Definitely OJ taste but when combined with the hops tastes a bit like it smells, pineapplely. Lots of juice with a bit of fizz and a bit of hops, very juicy, not very hoppy.  The juice starts to get a bit tiresome after a while. A little more hoppy zip or backend bite would have created the balance that is missing.  Juicy tasty but you get the feeling it could be better.

Final Rating: OK OJ IPA at 14 out of 20

Orange Juice IPA

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


Other Info

IBU 15


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