Cranky Reviews

A Puppy Poop Pickup Patrol Pint

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


A Puppy Poop Pickup Patrol Pint

Longhorn Lager

Farmer's Creed Beer

5% Alcohol

Editor’s Note: It appears that our craft connoisseur RA is on scoop and poop detail in the back yard, and once he gets his shit together, his reward is a pint.

Dog shit done. Beer me. Smells like beer but will I enjoy it?* Now I have to find my magnifying glasses to read the blurb on the back of the can. A crisp biting tongue with a peppery feel on the sides of my palette. A surprisingly creamy texture. More to follow, I need to pick up some more dog shit in the backyard later.** Frank Mann has a lot to say about farmers, I’m enjoying his creed and this pint.

Editor’s Note: Check out the link. His creed is worth a read.

Still enjoying it’s tongue teasing texture. A cross between a lager and an ale perhaps? A little zip with a slight malt backbone. I like it.

*Editor’s Comment: If it smells like beer there is a very high probability that RA will enjoy it.

**Editor’s Comment: More shit? What are you feeding that dog?

Editor's Rap: Multi stooping and scooping, all the puppy pooping. Collecting the feces of the canine species. Picking up the crap while sampling what's on tap. Getting off the bar stool to pick up the dog stool. Can't sit, there's more shit. Haven't you heard, he's dealing with terrier turd. Tag it and bag it. Gotta give it, and live it, while digging those steaming divots. Time to put a cap in this crap rap. Boom!

Final Rating: A 16 out of 20. No Shit.

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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