Cranky Reviews

A Shadow of Its Former Self

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


A Shadow of Its Former Self

5 O'Clocl Shadow

Full Beard Brewing Co.

4.5% Alcohol

Repackaged and in for a new review. Let’s see if this 5 O’Clock shadow grows on me. With the time change it just so happens that 5 O’Clock comes earlier now.* Unfortunately for me, or perhaps this review, that one hour we lost was the hour I had planned not to be cranky. Looks like it’s going to be a long winter.

Is this brew from Full Beard the same shadow we reviewed some time ago? Different packaging, different pour and different taste leads to an indifferent rating. A dull gold clear pour, no head, not an inviting look.  Malt based aroma but odd and a bit off putting. The first taste was watery very little flavour, watery with a touch of bitter that’s it. Maybe a bit of corn maize in there? More like a cerveza light than any pale ale I have come across. Nothing to get cranky about or cranked up about, stuck in neutral on this one. Mild malt with a touch of graininess and that’s all she wrote, and that’s all I wrote.

The last time we reviewed this one it fared pretty well. This time, not so much. Not sure if it was a stale pale but this one is a shadow of it’s former self. Didn’t love it didn’t hate it, now I’ll rate it.

*Editor’s Comment: Most, but not all of Canada recognizes daylight savings time. Spring forward March 12th, fall back November 5th. Daylight savings time is not recognized in the Yukon, and parts of BC (East), Ontario Northwest, Eastern Quebec, and Saskatchewan. It appears that daylight savings time is at the whim of the local community so better check the time zone you have a meeting with or you might be late, or early.

Final Rating: Stuck in Neutral at 12 out of 20

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


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