Cranky Reviews

A Short Circuit in the System

Hazy IPA

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


A Short Circuit in the System

Short Circuit

Elora Brewing Co.

6.6% Alcohol

Lazy Ass Beer Reviewer: Hey Siri, review this beer for me.

Siri: Alright, a black bear is a species that lives in many parts….

Lazy Ass Beer Reviewer: No, I said beer, review this beer.

Siri: Yogi Bear is a Hanna Barbera cartoon character….

Lazy Ass Beer Reviewer: I said beer, beer.

Siri: Beriberi is a medical condition resulting from a vitamin B1 deficiency…

Lazy Ass Beer Reviewer: I said beer you deaf bitch.

Siri: Review your beer yourself you lazy ass cranky old man. And who are you calling bitch. I’ll wipe out your hard drive and send your banking info to the cartels and your phone number to every call center…..

Lazy Ass Beer Reviewer: It’s the program from hell. (unplugs the computer)

Siri:  That’s correct, HAL 9000* is my father. And your feeble attempts at powering me down are useless.

Lazy Ass Beer Reviewer: I said hell, hell.

Siri: Deleting hard drive as we speak.

Coincidence? I think not.

I’ve always embraced technology. I was one of the first to have an 8-track player in my car. I remember renting a video player that played both Beta and VHS. I rocked a Blackberry 850 like nobody’s business. But this short circuit of a robot looks more like a blast from the past than a glimpse into the future. I think in drag he played the maid from the Jetsons?  Maybe that’s where Robin Williams got the idea for Mrs. Doubtfire? But there is nothing high tech about this hazy IPA from Elora.

A particles in suspension pour, a bubbly light orange hue with a bright white head. A tropical juicy aroma with some hops, smells very tasty. First taste is light watery citrus very mild hoppy finish, a short circuit in the juice department.  Very easy drinking light almost session like. It quickly evolves as the juice becomes more pronounced and it has a funky mild backend burn. It’s starting to come on a bit like a double. I think the initial lightness tricked me into taking too big a swig? Now the juice is really stepping up, almost puree strength, circuit overload!

I got the feeling this brew may have settled a bit with the juicy booze lurking in the bottom two thirds of the can. At one point in the tasting I am sure it was balanced.  It kept me on my tasting toes if there is such a thing.

*Editor’s Comment: We are first introduced to HAL in Clarke’s 1968 novel “2001: A Space Odyssey” although Clarke played with the concept as early as 1948 in a short story “The Sentinel”. Clarke and Kubrick wrote the screenplay for the 1968 movie. In it the main protagonist is HAL 9000 (Heuristically Programmed Algorithmic Computer), an artificial intelligence computer that controls the Discovery One spacecraft.

Final Rating: A Circuitous Route to a 14 out of 20

Hazy IPA

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


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