Cranky Reviews

Amber Fusion

Double Fusion Amber Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 30

Other Info

Amber Fusion

Henderson X Palm

Henderson Brewing Co.

5.5% Alcohol

We have established that Henderson’s best is Henderson’s Best, or to put it another way, Henderson’s Best is Henderson’s best. But what happens when you have a fusion of Henderson’s Best amber ale with Palm’s best Belgian amber? You get what Henderson calls a double fusion amber ale. Amber on Amber sounds like a porn movie to me, let’s see if this brew gets an over 18 rating too.

And what’s PⱯLM all about with the upside-down A? Glad you asked. It turns out the symbol Ɐ is used to represent universal quantification in predicate logic. Glad we got that cleared up. In non-geek speak it is typically read as “for all”. As in the Three Musketeers “All for one and one Ɐ.” Or a big bar fight is a “Free Ɐ”. Or if you wear your hat into the Legion then you’re buying “Beer Ɐ”. This brew is supposed to be a fusion, not a con-fusion . Time to  right side this review and get back to beer business.

This Belgian-style amber on amber ale pours a deep amber for my viewing pleasure, with a slim trim head Ɐ to see. A mild malt aroma, not as much caramel toffee as a full-fledged amber. A nice very mild malt caramel body, watery and easy drinking. Nutty notes with almost no hops. A smooth almost flat finish. It’s an amber light. Not Henderson’s Best or Henderson’s best but a nice light amber. A sessionable amber, easy drinking with a subdued flavour.

Final Rating: A Rating of 15 out of 20 but Still Restricted to 18 and Over

Double Fusion Amber Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 30


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