Cranky Reviews

An Indictment of Our Educational System… with Rugby and a Beer

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


An Indictment of Our Educational System… with Rugby and a Beer

Lanark Highlanders Lager

4 Degrees Brewing

5% Alcohol

Baseball All Star break, no CFL game, too early for hockey or basketball or NFL, not a weekend so no golf tourneys, and no rugby games either although not really a go to sport for me. I guess it’s movie night at the cottage. Suds and cinema so to speak. So what will it be? Casablanca, Citizen Kane, A Streetcar Named Desire? All great flicks but I am primed on Prime for a documentary about our education system entitled “Animal House”.   “If the whole fraternity system is guilty, then isn’t this an indictment of our educational institutions in general? – isn’t this an indictment of our entire American society?”* Important film making addressing some foundational questions within our society. Riveting. Some nudity as well.

It seemed like a good movie to drink a beer with. How about a random rugby related brew for reasons unrecognized?** Makes sense. So I grabbed the first rugby related brew in the beer fridge. The Lanark Highlanders immortalized on a beer can. I recollect another recent rugby related review, so this one was worth a try. Let’s see if it hits the mark.***

This 4 Degrees lager pours a lovely lager gold, headless, no cap for this match.*** A light lager malt aroma, standard fare, no first class seating available. It has a nice malt smooth body with slight bitters on the finish.  No real lager sweet with this seat. Crisp slightly bitter finish.  Definitely not on the strongside,***  a run of the mill lager. If Plain Jane and John Doe had a beer for an offspring, this might be it. Ok, but just. Unfortunately, average makes it below average in our books.

*Editor’s Comment: Otter’s (Tim Matheson) speech during Faber disciplinary court hearing falls on the deaf ears of Dean Wormer (John Vernon). The 1978 comedy “National Lampoon’s Animal House” was a low budget surprise hit. Even though Belushi (28 years old at the time) was well known from Saturday Night Live this was his first movie. Belushi received $40,000 for his role, the same fee that Neidermeyer's horse, Junior, received for his part!

**Editor’s Comment: I suspect the first beer he saw when the beer fridge door opened.

***Editor’s Comment: A try is the rugby equivalent of a touchdown in football. A mark is the spot on the field that the referee designates a scrum should come together. Anytime a player plays in a match he/she is technically awarded a cap The strongside or openside designates the larger side of the field from where a scrum is held. A conversion is like an extra point in football when after a try you kick the ball through the uprights. A try is worth 5 points, a conversion worth 2.

Final Rating: Two Trys and a Conversion *** in this Match for a 12 out of 20

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


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