Cranky Reviews

Baltic Brew Haw

Baltic Porter

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Baltic Brew Haw

Orchard of Change

Sawdust City Brewing

9% Alcohol

Money doesn’t grow on trees but I am going to need an orchard of change, hopefully toonies, to pay for this expensive brew. The question at hand, is one beer worth all this change? We shall see.

Those of you without a geography degree (just like myself) may be saying to yourself (just like I said to myself) where the hell is Baltic? It turns out, not by coincidence, that the area consists of countries that surround the Baltic Sea. Those of you without a geography degree (just like myself) may now be saying to yourself (just like I said to myself) where the hell is the Baltic Sea? Looks like a Baltic Region category would have been bad news for me on Jeopardy.

Regardless of what area of the world inspired this very adult beverage, the Sawdust City gang have brewed up a super strong porter that’s kickin’ ass and takin’ names. How strong? This porter can carry your luggage, the dog and the missus to the car for you.

Since a quick Google search of the name “Orchard of Change”* was for naught, I will leave that to our egghead editor to figure out while I do the real work of drinking and reporting.

A dark and tan beauty of a pour. As dark, cold, strong and foreboding as midnight on the Baltic Sea. A classic roasted malt aroma, very inviting.  Strong and good, the roasted malt flavour is front and center first swig with a cocoa after taste. A strong roasted malt body with a bit of a boozy dark fruit*** middle finish and a chocolate final touch to take the edge off.  Not your father’s porter, or your grandfather’s porter.** Strong, great flavour, just a touch boozy which is understandable considering the ABV of this circus strongman of a porter.  Slow and steady is the trick.

I was up to the 9% challenge, and it was worth my time and all that change. Sampling in style with a crooked smile.

*Editor’s Comment: The title could be referring to Chekhov’s classic play “The Cherry Orchard”. Published in 1904, the main theme being social change, it depicts Russia on the brink of revolution. The rise of the middle class at the expense of the old aristocracy, and neither class being able or willing to empathize with the other. With the history of Soviet influence in the Baltics, some of the Baltic countries themselves could represent that change as they have gained their independence a few times from their border neighbour to the East. Or it could just be a catchy name.

**Editor’s Comment: It could just be a more ancient ancestor’s porter though. Imperial stouts exported from Britain to areas around the Baltic Sea in the 18th century were popular. They were imitated using local ingredients creating the high ABV Baltic porter that is a specialty of many countries in the Baltic region.

***Editor’s Comment: That must be the dark cherry from “The Cherry Orchard”. I don’t know why I am ever surprised by being right.

Final Rating: Harvesting Change a 15 out of 20

Baltic Porter

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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