Cranky Reviews


New England Pale Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds




Chronicle Brewing Co.

5% Alcohol

The Legendary Chimera

The Legendary Chimbeera

Greek mythology describes the Chimera as a fire breathing creature composed of various animals. The classic Chimera* has a lion body and head with a second head of a goat, and a tail of a snake. The mighty Bellethron killed the beast while riding the winged horse Pegasus. Those ancient Greeks sure could tell a tall tale. Other Chimeras over history include the griffin (half lion half eagle), the Minotaur (half man half bull), and David Bowie on the album cover of Diamond Dogs.

In not so classic COMDB mythology, the legendary chimbeera (half foam half beer) has been a formidable quaffing task that our gallant reviewers have taken on with relish, and other condiments as required.  This NE Pale Ale wasn’t exactly a half and half but was a head above in the head department. A bright light orange hazy pour through 2/3 of my glass.

A citrus and hoppy nose. First taste was a very nice tropical body with a mild touch of bitters, very refreshing and balanced. Nice juice, touch of fizz, very mild bitters. Mild not wild, tame but not lame. A refreshing session style summery IPA. Just like ol’ Bruce I’m waitin’ on a sunny day ** to try one again.


*Editor’s Comment: The term chimera has come to mean something you hope for but is impossible to achieve. From a biological perspective, there are human chimeras, people whose bodies are composed of cells that are as if they are from different individuals, different DNA. This condition is very unique, there are only about 100 known cases.

**Editor’s Comment: The Springsteen song “Waitin’ on a Sunny Day” was from his 2002 album “The Rising”.

Final Rating: Not Half Bad at 15 out of 20

New England Pale Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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