Cranky Reviews

Yee-Haw, It’s a Shindig

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Yee-Haw, It’s a Shindig

Shindig Lager

Cowbell Brewery

4.5% Alcohol

Everyone is invited to the shindig, it’s going to be big. Join us at the hoedown to get the lowdown. It’s a rendezvous with a brew or two.  Come as you are, I wish it was an open bar.

So Cowbell Brewery has invited us to a shindig at the big ol’ Cowbell Barn. And we all know it’s not really a party without beer and line dancing and a band with a fiddle in it, don’t we? Beer has always played a pivotal role in encouraging  bad dancers to dance badly, but it’s going to take me more than one Shindig Lager to breakdance to Footloose*. Does a conga line of one to the beer fridge count as a line dance? I was watching some defense men doing some line dancing last night to stay onside during the shinny playoffs, but I wasn’t venturing too far out of my comfy sampling chair.

A blonde lager pour, with a thin white head and a bit of carbonation to get the party started. A light malt aroma, with a malt bread flavour with some carbonation in the mix, some bubbles but no troubles. By second or third swig the bubbles had left the dance floor. A nice medium malt flavour, easy drinking, no aftertaste, a smooth finish. I call it Cowbell smooth, they call it “deceptively smooth” although I didn’t feel I was a victim of any deception in this case**.

This easy drinking beer could be a great party favourite.

*Editor’s Comment: Thank God! And two Kenny Loggins 80’s soundtrack references in the last week. Feeling a bit nostalgic are we?

**Editor’s Comment: As far as the victim goes, deception and perception are mutually exclusive activities. An important part of being deceived is not realizing you have been until later. Chances are pretty good that you are deceived far more than you ever realize. I am referring to you specifically, not the "Royal" you.

Final Rating: Fuel for the Fête at 15 out of 20

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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