Cranky Reviews

Credit Rating

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


Credit Rating

Pale PIlsner

Old Credit Brewery

5% Alcohol

Out for dinner with Farmer Steve to his favourite Italian restaurant. It must have been an auspicious occasion because despite his reputation for being as tight as a superglued clam, to his credit he paid the tab. Even the waitress was shocked, she said sometimes he doesn’t even pick up the check when he is there on his own!

I was instructed by the Department of Morality to come back with all pertinent updates on kids, grandkids, retirement, travel, and on and on…and on. No glory days reminiscence or COMDB AGM antics, she wanted facts. I know when I get home I will be grilled like a cheap tail gate steak on game day so I took some notes.

A pairing of pasta and pints, a pale pilsner perhaps. The waitress began to rhyme off the draft menu and in my best Renée Zellweger impersonation* I said “You had me at pilsner.” An Old Credit pale pilsner is on tap, and now on the table.

This brew pours clear, cool not cold, and as calm and collected as good credit. Not as pale as it’s handle would suggest, and with a nice tap head. It is a mild flavoured pilsner with a slight back end bitter. I wouldn’t call it a bite, more like a nibble. Very easy drinking pilsner, good for a meal, a game, dockside or for whatever ales you. Even better when someone else is buying!

*Editor’s Comment: Renée Zellweger plays Dorothy Boyd in the 1996 movie "Jerry Maguire" and delivers the line “You had me at hello”. Cuba Gooding Junior won a best supporting Oscar nod for his role in the movie and also had a memorable line, “Show me the money.”

Final Rating: Credit Given Where Credit's Due at 14 out of 20

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


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