Cranky Reviews


Blonde Lager

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds



DAB Dortmunder Export

Dortmunder Actien – Brauerei GMBH

5% Alcohol

Most stereotypes are ¾ BS and ¼ imagination. Anyone who thinks the Germans aren’t a fun loving bunch has never been to an Octoberfest. Hard to be serious wearing lederhosen and drinking from a boot. A few of us cranky old coots attended a couple of those events back in the day, when we were snot nosed know it all punks. What a party. Will this Geman DAB be as much fun? One can hope.

So straight from Germany to my chilled glass, 500 ml of DAB beer, since 1868.  I was trying to figure out what DAB stood for when it came to me in a flash. It is a TWA (three word acronym) for Dortmunder Actien – Brauerei!  When I saw Dab I thought back to my dear old Dad with his hair slicked back with Brylcreem. The celebrity ads that told us “just a little dab’ll do ya!” Dick Clark from American Bandstand telling us that to get the “gals” we needed some Brylcreem. A car, some cash, a personality, and not being hideous might help too, but he didn’t elaborate on those traits.

This is just a good solid beer. Tastes good start to finish. Nothing fancy, no fruits or vegetables or unique brewing methods. Just good beer. I enjoyed it, and unlike my Octoberfest days, I felt fine the next day. Good German beer. Just a little DAB’ll do ya.


Final Rating: Nothing Fancy at 15 out of 20

Blonde Lager

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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