Cranky Reviews

Deux Review Pour Vous

Oatmeal Stout and American Style Blonde Ale

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions
15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Deux Review Pour Vous

St. Ambroise Oatmeal Stout and Canada 72

McAusalnd Brewery and Bibloquet Brassiere

5% and 4.8% Alcohol

Rory and Jerrod in Review Mode

COMDB are in the maison. The CIM convention in la belle Province to be precise, and quaffing a brew or deux with the Crownsmen dynamic duo.* Shout out to Jerrod and Rory and the whole MiningNow team. Montreal is doing it’s very best Vancouver impression. As the old saying goes, April showers bring Mayflowers and pilgrims.** At least the rain is making the Crownsmen West Coasters feel at home.

The CIM MiningNow Unofficial (yet verbally sanctioned, although it is concerning we have no written approval) Wrap and Tap show with COMDB premiered last night to rave reviews. Gaudy laughed so that qualifies as a rave review. The show is the wind up and low down of the day’s events of the unconventional conventioners and immoderate moderators, with an impromptu brew review or two thrown in the mix.

The Mining4Beer event was on last night as well, with Cameron and Marla presiding. Here’s the M4B weather report. High tonight, low tomorrow, and expect a cold front if you were returning home after. Severe wind chill on the homefront for those that chose to stay until close.

We tackled two Montreal brews, going head to head so to speak. Jerrod and I sampled a St. Ambroise Oatmeal Stout having read somewhere that oatmeal is good for you. COMDB had reviewed this stout previously, it is one of RA’s favs, so knowing it was a super suds made it a safe bet. Jerrod and I enjoyed the St.Ambroise stout, a full flavoured but not harsh brew. Not a creamy Guinness type but a flavourful roasted malt and coffee body with a slight sweet finish.

I gave Rory a hockey themed Canada 72, a brew celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Summit series where Paul Henderson scored the winning goal in the last game of the series to beat the Russians in Moscow. This allowed me to seamlessly segue into commenting on the Leaf’s round 1 win, while at the same time inquiring how the Canuck’s golf games are shaping up. Rory seemed to struggle with our 20 point rating format so we allowed him to rate it out of 10 and then we multiplied by deux for our final rating. He enjoyed this American style blonde ale and his 7 factored up to a 14 honourable mention. It was knocking on the super suds door but he wouldn’t let it in.

Looking forward to the next show, episode deux. Maybe we will be sanctioned*** by then?

*Editor’s Comment: CIM is an inaccurate yet accessible acronym for the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum. Crownsmen is a media group producing podcasts and corporate profiles for a number of industries. The Mining Now show is a partnership between Crownsmen and the CIM and has produced over 100 shows to date.

**Editor’s Comment: Once again our reviewer has butchered a classic rhyme confusing it with a very old and lame joke. The phrase “April Showers bring May Flowers” was seen as early as 1557 in Thomas Tusser’s “A Hundred Good Points of Husbandry” in which he rhymes "Sweet April showers Do spring May flowers."

***Editor’s Comment: The English language sometimes has one word with seemingly opposite meanings. A contronym, sometimes referred to as a Janus word or an auto-antonym, is a word that has contradictory meanings depending on the context. In this case “sanctioned” could mean approved or could mean dissaproval with a penalty applied. In the case of this show I would put my money on the later.

Final Rating: A Healthy 15 out of 20 and a 7 Times 2 out of 20

Oatmeal Stout and American Style Blonde Ale

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions
15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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