Cranky Reviews

Dildo is the Name, Beer is the Game

Nitro Irish Style Stout

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 25

Other Info

Dildo is the Name, Beer is the Game

Dildo Stout

Dildo Brewing Co.

4.5% Alcohol

No Virginia, there is no Santa Claus. But there really is a town called Dildo.”

East Coast Toast

What Newfoundland brewer tour would be complete without a visit to the scenic and bustling East Coast town of Dildo, and a brew and bite at their namesake brewery. That’s right, none. I travelled off the TCH* a bit and through the town of South Dildo, and just North of South Dildo is, you guessed it, Dildo. The town and brewery attracted some Hollywood notoriety a few years ago when Jimmy Kimmel did a bit on the town, next thing you know Kimmel is appointed Honorary Mayor.

Wednesday noon and the taproom is busy despite the pouring rain. A good sign, the local population seem to be regulars, everyone knows everyone, except me. But I was treated with the great hospitality that Newfoundland has become famous for. “What’ll it be Dearie”. How about a stout on tap and the mussels? An ideal East coast pairing.

A great pour with a Nitro evolution that had my full attention, a coastal cascading craft of a draft. A tan topper, a head above. Cocoa malt milkshake on the nose, very nice. And the taste is Nitro creamy with roasted malt cocoa and an espresso bite and finish to it. A full-bodied stout, the coffee eases up a bit but it’s still the big boat in the bay.  A stout lovers stout, more aggressive than a Guinness, all parts with big flavour eventually in equal measure. A go big or go home type of stout which I thoroughly enjoyed. Great food, great service and great beer. I only tried the stout but they have a very large selection of very interesting brews.

Dildo is definitely a detour I would strongly recommend, a pretty town with a great tap room to enjoy the view and the brew too.

*Editor’s Comment: What the Trans-Canada Highway is called in Newfoundland.

Final Rating: The Toast of the Coast at 17 out of 20

Nitro Irish Style Stout

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 25


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