Cranky Reviews

Easy Portage*

Very Light Lager

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


Easy Portage*

Cracked Canoe

Moosehead Brewery

3.5% Alcohol

Q: Why is drinking a Cracked Canoe like having sex in a canoe?

A: Because it’s !#@ close to water.

What could possibly be a lighter beer than Cracked Canoe? How about Cracked Canoe on tap. Which is what I sampled the other evening. But before you get the wrong impression I should let you know I enjoyed it.

The beer actually had some colour to it. It was definitely the lightest beer ABV wise that I have ever tried, and very easy drinking. Refreshing. A good post exercise brew I would guess, if you are into that kind of thing (exercise I mean). It would be great to have a few of these on a hot day on the golf course, or the lawn chair for that matter.

What was a welcome surprise, was that despite the lightness it did have a nice flavour to it, which is what most beers give up when they try to shed the calories so you can shed the pounds. All shedding aside, a nice, light (not lite) beer.

*Editor's Comment: Oh, I get it. a light canoe.

Final Rating: I've Seen the Light 14 out of 20

Very Light Lager

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


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