Cranky Reviews

Europe on $5 a Day

Pale Lager

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Europe on $5 a Day


The Archduke’s Brewery Grupa Żywiec SA

5.5% Alcohol

Tha taste of Italy in every cracker!

How about a COM International Armchair brew tour to exotic Europe, with Poland’s favorite brew and snackin’ on my 4 cheese Italian Cheez-Its.  A beer and a snack, my $5 a day tour of the old country. Pouring that big ol’ bottle of pale lager* into my big ol’ pale lager glass, first class. Livin’ the dream. For those of you unfamiliar with European geography, Żywiec is a town of 30,000 in the far South of Poland, and Italy is the one shaped like a one of them long kinky thigh high boots. So we are visiting Żywiec and the Archduke’s brewery** to sample some pure mountain water beer.

Would the Archduke be in? He is expecting us.

The bottle says this is “Poland’s No.1”. We just aren’t sure No.1 what. Pale Lager? Pilsner? Bohemian Lager? Beer? All one in the same in my glass. A bright golden clear mountain water clear pour. A slim bright snow in May head.  Head waters? An aroma of mild slight sweet malt, smells like there is a pale lager at play, or is it a pilsner? It is mild malt with a sweet finish, classic lager, or pilsner. Tasty, just a touch of bitter on the finish matches up well with the sweet. None of the graininess that you sometimes get with the old school European brews.  Big bottle, big swig. And a bigger swig. This brew is going down faster than a two-ton anchor.  Well worth the trip across the pond.  If there was another one in my beer fridge it would have been Europe on $8.50 a day.


*Editor’s Comment: A Pilsner is a lager, but not all lagers are pilsners. A pale lager is a pilsner.

**Editor’s Comment: Why not add the Netherlands to your tour, as the Żywiec brewery is 65% owned by Heineken out of Amsterdam.

Final Rating: No1 in My Glass Tonight at 17 out of 20

Pale Lager

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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