Cranky Reviews


Pale Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds



Corona Extra

Cerveceria Modelo

4.6% Alcohol

Talk about easy drinking, I went to take a picture of a bottle of Corona Extra but by the time I snapped the pic the bottle was empty, with a lonely lime languishing in the dregs. I remember many years ago attending a patio business lunch on a bright summer day with my old pal PS who ordered a pail of Coronas, 6 to a pail if you were wondering. They went down as smooth and easy as the last one I had.

The ultimate summer brew, easy drinking, refreshing. I am not a big fruit in the beer fan but a slice of lime is somehow not only necessary but accentuates the positive so to speak. I have never quaffed a corona from a glass or can so I couldn’t tell you about pour or head. But I can slice a lime that fits that skinny necked bottle like nobody’s business.

Here is what burns my ass. A bottle of Corona “Extra” at 330ml has nothing extra in it,* in fact it leaves you short some beer compared to a typical bottle at 354ml. Maybe that is why they go down 6.7% quicker than any other bottle? I have a great idea. Instead of paying Snoop Dogg (a guy who obviously never won a spelling bee) $10 US Million to be in your ads, not to mention millions more for Rickie Fowler and Zoe Saldana (blue Avatar girl) to promote your brand, why not use that money to put an “extra” 70ml in every bottle. With 400ml bottles then you could justify calling it Corona “Extra”.

Final Rating: What Extra? 16 out of 20

Pale Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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