Cranky Reviews

Farming Fruit

West Coast IPA

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 55

Other Info

Farming Fruit

Farmer's Tan

Oast House Brewers

6% Alcohol

In the Niagara region the farming is fruit trees and vines. We aren’t talking about hauling up carrots and toting taters. More like picking peaches and grapes and then sampling a Pinot Noir or a Cabernet Franc after a day in the field. And citrus is so FLA,  not at all NOTL. I think Farmer Steve and his beloved Kubota are more likely to be on the go pushing snow than hoeing rows.  But Niagara also has a brewery or two, some even grow their own hops and operate out of a barn. Sounds like my kind of farming.

So we have Oast House in the house with their commitment to “channel Niagara’s truest terroir into their beer”. I had to ask myself “What the hell is a “terroir”?” A leg humping breed of canine crapping in my yard perhaps?  What is that dog leaving in my beer? Or a rampaging neighbour’s kid, a terror of the holy kind? Keep that kid away from my beer, and my record collection. Whatever a terroir is,* I am not sure I want it in my beer.

I was quaffing this brew while watching the Blue Jays get the hits but not the runs in a pointless game for them. I think the announcer said “It’s hard to win if you don’t score runs.” No fact check required on that play-by-play insight.

This Oaster west coaster on my coaster pours a peachy golden with a reddish tinge and slightly hazy. A bright white frosting, peaches and cream. A juicy peach citrus aroma with some hops on top. And the taste is a juiced up juicy juicer. A blatant case of juice abuse. Taste like tropical and peach to me, Oast tells us it’s passionfruit. If you are looking for passionfruit in Niagara I think you are at the Fresh Mart, not in the farmer’s field,** waiting in the line, not plucking the vine. The juice far outweighs the hops in this one, about as balanced as a jenga game on a roller coaster. There is a lingering hop juice combo on the end for a crisp flat finish. Juice on the loose with no excuse. Son of a peach, this brew is juicy.

A fruitful brew for sure. If you love juicy brewskis, this brew’s for you.

*Editor’s Comment: The word “terroir” refers to the natural environment in which a wine is produced. Soil, climate and other local factors combine to impart characteristic tastes in the wine, or in this case the beer.

**Editor’s Comment: The Niagara region grows the vast majority of Ontario’s grapes, cherries, peaches, plums, nectarines and apricots. But not passionfruit. It grows in the tropical and semi tropical climes of South and Central America. It is also cultivated in the US in Florida, Hawaii and California.

Final Rating: Juice on the Loose at 15 out of 20

West Coast IPA

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 55


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