Cranky Reviews

Flip the Script

Italian Lager

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


Flip the Script

Peroni Nastro Azzurro*

Birra Peroni SRL**

5.1% Alcohol

Going out to dinner, how about Italian. But not some cheesy pizza joint, we are going some place fancy, like with “Roma” or “Garden” in the name. Classy. I usually order spaghetti with mushrooms because I am such a fun guy. The waiter asks you what type of wine you would like with your dinner, but you don’t have a clue so you ask him what he would suggest. He holds his thumb over the price and points to a wine and suggests this is the perfect wine for your meal even though you haven’t ordered any food yet. Then you find out you just paid $80 for a warm red drink. As my old buddy JT would say, time to flip the script . Order a beer. “Una birra per favore.” But not just any beer, a nice Italian beer. You know what they say “When in Roma, do what the Romas would do.” If it is a real Italian restaurant they should have Peroni in bottle or even better on tap.

I pour my Peroni like a pro. Nice light golden glow (the beer, not me yet) with the head screwed on just right. Light malt a(roma), very light. It has a nice light malt base, an easy drinking lager. No hops, bitters or aftertaste. I thought I caught a bit of graininess in there somewhere but way in the background.

Good basic refreshing light lager.

*Editor’s Comment: Nastro Azzurro means “Blue Ribbon” in Italian

**Editor’s Comment: Peroni is still an Italian brewery. It was owned previously by AB InBev but in 2016 was sold to Japanese brewing giant Asahai.

Final Rating: Una buona birra solida at 14 out of 20

Italian Lager

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


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