Cranky Reviews

Flower Power

Italian Style Pilsner

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 35

Other Info

Flower Power


The Exchange Brewery

5% Alcohol

Assuming that the word “Fiore” is Italian, this is an Italian Style Pilsner after all, I called in the COMDB translation department. They love Italian, the language of love they call it. Probably the only love they get around here. Me, I’m not that familiar with the language, but I love the food.  They tell me “fiore” means flower.

Hmm, I’m a bit of a black thumb when it comes to gardening, and carpentry too for that matter. What I do know about flowers is they are half price on February 15th and the day after Mother’s Day. I am also not a big fan of that flowery flavour that some pilsners possess. And what’s with the sad sack horse faced canine on the can? Don’t get me started on “man’s best friend”. Time to exit this link laden intro and get down to a little brew reviewin’.

I dropped in on The Exchange Brewery the other day and picked up a couple of their fine brews. I asked the helpful man behind the bar “if I don’t like these can I bring them back and get others.”  Apparently, my humour* is a dry as this pilsner although not nearly as crisp (not so subtle review foreshadowing).

As for this pils, a muted apple juice golden outdoor pour, no head, no problem. No flower nose, just fruit, an apple, a pear, a fine pair at that. The first swig is just right apple pear fruity with a malt body and an extra crisp dry finish. Very dry, very crisp, but no FTD delivery here, floral flourishes absent thank goodness. The fruit sweet body makes a smooth transition to the crisp dry ending. Perfect pairings with this Italian pilsner are pizza, pasta, paninis, pancetta, paglaiata, porchetta and Cheez-Its (they have the taste of Italy in every bite).

No need to exchange this one, it’s a great Italian pilsner.

*Editor’s Comment: When it comes to your so-called humour, if anyone laughs they are probably just humouring you.

Final Rating: A Flower by Any Other Name Would Still Get a 16 out of 20

Italian Style Pilsner

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 35


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