Cranky Reviews

Goliath Finally Wins One

Cold Pale Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 30

Other Info

Goliath Finally Wins One


Market Brewing Co.

5.4% Alcohol

Goliath about to get his ass kicked.

It must suck to be Goliath. Getting a slingshot to the noggin and then getting your head cut off with your own sword is bad enough, but for time immemorial you are known as a loser, getting your ass kicked by a kid. And documented in the most read book of all time.*  Not the type of street cred that anyone wants.

I read some trivia I thought I would share with my church going better half. Don’t get me wrong, I go to church too, at Christmas and Easter, and when someone gets married or dies. But I read somewhere that Goliath was killed by his own sword, beheaded by David in front of the Philistine army, after being knocked senseless with a stone to the forehead. As is often the case at home, whenever I stand it is usually to be corrected.  My wiser half did just that “That isn’t correct. The scriptures 1st Samuel 17 verse 51 clearly state that “After he killed him, he cut off his head with the sword.” So it was the slingshot stone that killed him, not his sword.”  She continued ”In another passage in 2nd Samuel 21 verse 18 to 22 it says that Goliath was killed by Elhanan. However, this looks like an error in transcription since 1st Chronicles clarifies the contradiction by stating that Elhanan killed Goliath’s brother, not Goliath.”

Note to self: Never debate the scriptures with the Department of Morality. When it comes to bible beating she has me beat, hands up and down.

Speaking of church, Market brewers claim to be the only brewery housed in a Bingo Hall. Under the “B”, beer.

Back to the task at hand, doing my best David imitation by downing a Goliath.** This is Market’s new cold lagered pale ale, and under the “O”, an orange hazy pour. A bright white frosty topper on this cold case, head still intact. Smells juicy, citrus tropical. The taste is juicy with a fizz and a flat bitter finish not really crisp, well sort of crisp. Next up is a grapefruit bitter aftertaste. The first half of the taste is a juice body, the second half is dry bitters and it’s all well balanced.  I enjoyed this brew, a combination of a traditional pale ale with a fresh twist.

*Editor’s Comment: According to the Guiness Book of Records, the Bible is the most read book of all time with between 5 to 7 billion copies published to date.

**Editor’s Comment: I’m not certain, but that sounds like sacrilege to me.

Final Rating: This Goliath is a Winner at 15 out of 20

Cold Pale Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 30


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