Cranky Reviews

Good Karma

American IPA

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 55

Other Info

Good Karma


Great Lakes Brewery

6.6% Alcohol

Good karma: provide the COM with free beer. Bad karma: refuse to breakdown a six pack for a single sampling (you know who you are).* My experience is most people practice neutral karma, that being do nothing and nothing happens good or bad.

As far as this brew goes, if it’s good, that’s good karma for Great Lakes Brewery. They imported some Kiwi Superdelic™ hops for this experiment in psychedelic suds. New Zealand hops, from the land down under the land down under.

A pretty pour this one, radiant golden with a perfectly proportioned bright white head. Hoppy candy on the nose, interesting, sweets for the sweet. Wow, the first swig is sweet and saucy, sweet juice and a mild hoppy finish, an interesting combination.  The sweet is on a retreat to simply subtle sweets with a juicy fruit body and humble hops on the finish. As progress is made the high IBU starts to introduce some hoppy bitters, sweets gone. A unique combination to start with that settled into a more traditional IPA. It maintained balance throughout and was quite enjoyable, generating good karma and COM kudos for GLB.

*Editor’s Comment: Karma is an ancient Indian concept. Traditionally karma can be created by action or intent, and drives consequences directly related. These days the definition of Karma is much more liberal and consequences resulting from karma (good or bad) don’t have to be directly related to the actions.

Final Rating: Superdelic Suds at 15 out of 20

American IPA

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 55


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