Cranky Reviews

Gotta Love Burlington

Imperial Stout on Tap

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 18

Other Info

Gotta Love Burlington

Boston Cream

Burlington Brewery

5.1% Alcohol


On the road and the demands of sunset driving dictated I pull over in Burlington for a Timmies large regular with an old fashion plain (the donut, not me). It was  required to help me navigate the hardline haulers and the Tokyo drifters that make rush hour highway driving so exhilarating. Lo and behold, in the strip mall a neon sign, and although I am no wise man, it was beckoning me like a Christmas star. “Burlington Brewery” it said. “Handcrafted Beer” it said. I felt like I was in a conversation with the signage. I thought I would pop in for some standard fare, a burger, a brew, something to shake off the dust and slake the thirst.

Walk through the doors and the strip mall façade fades quickly, and a unique and lively Latina brew pub greets you. I started to peruse the menu. The beer names and the menu all different and inviting, and a great vibe. The place was hopping, getting ready for Friday night live music, you needed a reservation to get in. I flashed my COMDB business card and they found me a seat right away (there was one open at the bar anyway). I must admit the atmosphere was very upbeat. This was no strip mall afterthought one vat and that’s that brewery. This was what we would call back in the day a “happening place.”

I asked why the name Burlington Brewery, thinking to myself it could have been “The Cerveza Oasis”, or “Buena Tiempos on Tap”, or “The Artesanal Well”.* The explanation was as down to earth as the place. “We are from Burlington, we love Burlington, we get all our ingredients from Burlington.” Their website says that they are “in love with our town”. The bartender had a hoodie on that said “Welcome to Burlington”. Fair enough, Burlington it is. Great service by the way, even with a crowd and people at the door.

Visit their website and read the excellent blog by Master Brewer Fernando Sequeda entitled “Crafting Change” about diversity and inclusion in the craft beer industry. A beautifully written piece with a powerful message. Even our Editor thought it was well written, which is really saying something!**  Well done Fernando.

Boston Cream, the beer not the donut

Back to the beers, and the beer selection was what I would call eclectic. A coffee cream ale (Café con Leche). Chtulhu*** Bourbon ale sounded both strange and strangely familiar.  Maiz Mexican IPA, and the list went on. What caught my eye was an Irish style Imperial stout called Boston Cream. Maybe the most un-unique sounding brew of the lot, but what I found interesting was an ABV of 5.1% for an imperial stout.

A dark purple brew, perhaps influenced by the purple neon vibe lighting, in reality a dark headless draft.  Strong roast and malt aroma with some cocoa in there too. It has a nice mouthfeel, full flavoured and sweet, no coffee bite or bitters to start with. Not as cold as my beer fridge brews, which is probably the right temperature for this nice sippin stout.  Almost a flat coca cola like thing going on here, which doesn’t sound good but it is. Not fizzy at all but it is sweet, no real heavy coffee in the mix but it does have a coffee aftertaste.  It is an imperial stout in flavour but not in ABV so it’s not boozy. It is a sipper but a sip and savour, not a sip and survive like some imperial stout troopers.

The nice easy mouthfeel is almost slick, the easiest drinking Imperial stout I have come across. It isn’t exactly easy drinking, it is an imperial after all, but not at all harsh. Unique, intriguing and tasty. It’s not for everyone but I think their description rings true, “perfect for those who enjoy full bodied and indulgent beers.”  Well said, and well brewed.

*Editor’s Comment: They do call their beers ART-isnal.

**Editor’s Comment: It is a very well written blog, a nice change from what I usually deal with on this website.

***Editor’s Comment: HP Lovecraft created the fictional monster Cthulhu in his 1928 short story “The Call of Cthulhu”. It is a 100m tall monster with a head like a gigantic octopus, with tentacles surrounding its face and mouth. Throw a couple of wings in there too.

Final Rating: A Unique Sweet Imperial Sip and Savour Stout at 15 out of 20

Imperial Stout on Tap

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 18


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