Cranky Reviews

Hearts for BlackBerry

Vanilla Blackberry Porter

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

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Hearts for BlackBerry

Vanilla Stars & Blackberry Hearts Porter

New Ontario Brewery

6.2% Alcohol

My BlackBerry Z10. Photo taken with an iPhone12.

My first mobile phone (not including the Motorola bag phone we moved from truck to truck) was a BlackBerry. 2002 cutting edge Canadian technology. I loved all my BlackBerrys. There was Pearl, a real beauty. Then Curve, loved those curves. Then Bold, marketing slogan: love to be bold, which was my last keyboarding BB. And finally, the “futuristic” touchscreen Z10 which I grew to love eventually. On January 3, 2022 it was the end of an era as BlackBerry discontinued service on their phones. BlackBerry focused on the business market. Who knew that business and pleasure could mix? It appears everyone but BlackBerry knew.

Of course this New Ontario brew has nothing to do with the demise of a great Canadian technology company. Vanilla stars and blackberry hearts sounds like a special edition of Lucky Charms*. Lucky the Leprechaun and his magical unicorn** quaffing a brew while roasting their magical marshmallows. Which come to think of it sounds suspiciously close to magic mushrooms. Maybe that’s where the idea for leprechauns and unicorns came from. Let’s see if this brew is “magically delicious”.

Lucky and his Magical Unicorn

A cold mid-winter’s eve seems like the right time to pour me a porter by my faux fire as it flickers and flames, while watching the Leafs pull off a hard fought victory. It seems like the stage was set for a review extraordinaire. Alas, it was not to be.

Pouring blackberry black with a minimal vanilla head, this brew wafts an aroma of roasted malt and blackberry. The first taste is vanilla and roasted coffee, a nice flavour, but  with a slightly harsh aftertaste which seems to be the blackberry reacting to the vanilla. A touch of a cough syrup finish despite no discernable symptoms on my part. I am hoping the after taste becomes an afterthought. The vanilla berry harshness occasionally departs but seems to linger. I have my fingers and toes crossed (no mean “feat”) that it will abate. Damn it, now I have a cramp in my foot.

This brew is probably healthier than Lucky Charms, but I wouldn’t recommend it for the kids. The vanilla blackberry porter combo provides a nice body flavour but the bit of a harsh finish never quite leaves.

*Editor’s Comment: It appears that although Lucky Charms may be magically delicious, according to it is one of the least healthy breakfast cereals you can buy. Extrusion produces an altered protein structure in the grains that become potentially toxic to the nervous system. It contains ultra-processed ingredients including the processing agent Trisodium Phosphate (also used to thin paints). The dyes that produce the “rainbow” of colours are linked to hyperactivity and behavioural problems in children as well as possible carcinogens. And in 2021 consumers started complaining about food poisoning from the cereal, lodging over 3,000 formal complaints to date. On the plus side they do have “magical marshmallows”. In case you think we are being too rough on Lucky Charms be aware that Cap’n Crunch and Reeses Pieces don’t fare much better when it comes to healthy breakfast choices.

**Editor’s Comment: In 2018 Lucky Charms announced their first new and permanent marshmallow shape in ten years replacing the “hourglass” shape with their new “magical unicorn”, to join the classic hearts and stars.

Editor's Comment: In the classic board game Careers you accumulate stars (fame) and hearts (happiness) to combine with your cash in the right combination to win the game. It seems that fame +happiness+ cash = success.

Final Rating: 12 Stars and Hearts out of 20

Vanilla Blackberry Porter

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


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