Cranky Reviews

Huhh Yeah?

Light Lager

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


Huhh Yeah?

Huhh Yeah!

Newark Brewing Co.

4% Alcohol

New Amanda Marshall. A blast from the past.

Can we get a Huhh Yeah for the ghetto blaster? No, he wasn’t a gun toting vigilante. Are you sure you’re over 19? The ghetto blaster on the can, or the politically correct and original name boom box, is booming out a Huhh Yeah! for this light lager from Newark. That’s the new Beamsville brewery, not Newark New Jersey.

Huuh? Yeah.” is usually my response to the Missus after she has been talking to me for a while, and by using it I have ended up agreeing to a few things that maybe I shouldn’t have. Of curse (typo intended)*, “Huhh Yeah” is also a PG rated expression for “Hell Yeah”. Now you are wondering, “Is Hell a swear word?” That seems to be a matter of opinion. The Department of Morality would say so while not actually uttering the word, perhaps calling it the PG rated Canadian version “H E Double Hockey Sticks”. I am quite used to the word around the COM operations often hearing such terms as “This place is going to Hell in a handbasket” or “What the Hell do you think you’re doing” or “If anyone reads this rant there will be Hell to pay”.

From a sports perspective, during last night’s Leafs Oilers game there were 6 Hell Yeahs and 3 Hell Nos. I am sure our Editor will be happy as Hell to comment on these satanic pedantics.**

Beer review time. A middlin’ malt aroma, plain white bread, no fancy nuts or spices or hops in this loaf. A yellow golden pour, a bit hazy. Bright white head-foams for those cranky tunes cranked. A standard bread malt lager body but no real lager sweet noticed.  A slight astringent bitter on the finish. It is easy going down, malty for a light, with a slightly bitter finish. It is easy drinking but that may have been due to my thirst rather than its smoothness.

The question is, will Newark get a booming Hell Yeah or a blasting Hell No for this light lager? The answer is actually neither.  It’s an OK beer but I wasn’t jumping out of my seat and yelling “Hell Yeah” last night, except when the Leafs scored.

*Editor’s Comment: Due to his limited vocabulary, this reviewer often writes in the curse-ive.

*Reviewer’s Comment: Not only was that uncalled for, its one of the lamest puns you’ve used yet.

**Editor’s Comment: Hell is considered a swear word when used in anger or for emphasis, unless it is used in a religious context. That means, as usual, the Department of Morality is correct and our reviewer is wrong. As for the capitalization of the word, once again our reviewer is incorrect in his usage. When the word hell is used in slang or curse it is usually not capitalized. It can be capitalized when used as a noun, as in the place Hell.

Final Rating: Only a Heck Yeah at 13 out of 20

Light Lager

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


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