Cranky Reviews

Juicy & Dry?

Italian Style Pilsner

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Juicy & Dry?

Alla Caccia

Lake of Bays Brewing Co.

4.5% Alcohol

The art work on the can depicts a lone wolf howling at a moon almost as big as the whole night sky. Well not exactly. Wolf howling may be heard at night, but it is not a behavior directed at the moon. Instead, it is a hail to hunt. Which is a smooth syntax segue into introducing this beer, Alla Caccia, which in Italian means “on the hunt”.  Just what does that have to do with a dry pil? Well, Lake of Bays tells us that if we are hunting for our next crushable brew our hunt is over. Its not like I sat in a duck blind in the cold rain for hours to see three scraggly mallards fly by out of range; or trudged through the bush all day fighting off black flies to get excited at the site of moose shit. As you can probably tell, I am no hunter in the traditional sense. My hunting technique is quite simple. Buy it, pour it, drink it. Hunt over. Have I digressed once again?

My last surprise of the night was Tampa Bay winning. My first surprise of the night was the pour of this brew. Touted as a dry pilsner, Italian style, I had visions of a pilsner Peroni in mind. Instead here comes a hazy pour, not pea soup hazy, but hazy enough and bright yellow almost. A pretty pour if I do say so myself by the way. A slim and fitting white fog rising over the haze. Fresh malty aroma, is that some fruit in the background? My second surprise of the night was my first swig which revealed fruit and hops but with a crisp dry finish with a touch of bitter, all well balanced. Reminiscent of a session IPA in some ways but unique in others. Easy drinking, delicious.

We can all howl at the moon* hoping for a life full of small pleasant surprises. Every once and a while a few come our way.

*Editor’s Comment: Bar stool philosophizing now are we? The expression howling at the moon when it comes to humans usually means to waste your time and energy trying to do something which is impossible or trying to get something which you cannot have. Asking for the moon and stars, an overused negotiating tactic, seems somehow related? Although these days it appears whining has taken over from howling as the principal form of expressing your desire for something you don’t have, shouldn’t have or can’t get. Damn it, now I’m digressing too.

Final Rating: A Pleasantly Surprising 16 out of 20

Italian Style Pilsner

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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