Cranky Reviews

Light Night, Eh!

Light Lager

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


Light Night, Eh!

Light, Eh!

Kingsville Brewery

4% Alcohol

It seemed like the right night for a night light, a bright idea if I say so myself. How about one of the Canadian vernacular. That’s right, it’s Light, Eh! from our Kingsville connection, they say their beers are for those who wander. Does a wandering mind count? I wonder.

Not all who wander are lost, but there’s a good chance a lot of them are.

Filler words like ah can make a speech aw-full or ah-some, but eh! is eh-ok if you’re Canadian.*

A golden slightly hazy pour, an electric light, guilty as charged. It’s almost glowing, time to see if this review is as well. A rising bread head slimmed down quickly; the slim trim version remained. It has a bread malt aroma, a bakery nose. The taste is malty bready ready and steady, but with a tingle. No hops or bitters. The tingle yields to a touch of lager sweet coming through. Just a good solid night light lager, eh.

*Editor’s Comment: The expression Eh is not unique to Canada but it is used far more in Canada than any other country. Whereas most languages have one or two applications for the article, The Canadian Encyclopedia suggests that there are at least ten usages for the word Eh in the Canadian language. A statement of opinion, a statement of fact, a command, an exclamation, a question, as a pardon, in a fixed expression, to emphasize an insult, to frame an accusation, or just in telling a story. That’s a lot of different Ehs, eh.

Final Rating: Shining a Light on a 14 out of 20, Eh!

Light Lager

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


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