Cranky Reviews

Lightweight to Hydrate

Light Lager

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Lightweight to Hydrate


Mascot Brewery

4% Alcohol

Apparently, the length of the lawn is directly proportional to the number of days that I don’t mow it, according to my much better half. So despite the torrid heat, it was lawn mowin’ time again. Mowing the lawn tonight was like taking a walk on the sun….with a lawnmower. But the silver lining in this scorched, cloudless, hell on earth heat of an evening was that I earned myself an adult beverage of choice. A Lightweight looked like the right weight, no need to wait, it’s never too late to hydrate.

The Mascot muscleman on the can has muscles where air should be, no lightweight he. While us mere mortals struggle, perspire, and toil over the most menial tasks (mowing the lawn or picking up dog shit are a couple of examples that come to mind) these weightlifters hoist thousands of pounds between steroid shakes (drinks and tremors) in a testosterone haze while barely breaking a sweat.

As far as this Mascot brew goes, it’s clear and bubbly with a nice white fresco above the fresca. An aroma of fresh and malt, so far there is every indication it’s the right libation for my hydration. It tastes fizzy, fresh and refreshing with a full malt flavour, more than most lights. A lager sweet and dry finish, adding to the refreshment factor. This brew went down quicker than our bank account during one of the wife’s Costco pilgrimages.

A great fit for a hot dry evening after a menial but at the same time arduous task. Arduous for me anyway. But the end justifies the means. Although anything cold and wet would probably get a super suds rating tonight, in this case Lightweight has earned the distinction. Great light beer.

Final Rating: Power Lifting and Hydrating a 16 out of 20

Light Lager

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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