Cranky Reviews

Mining for Beer?

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Mining for Beer?

Mind Flay

Chronicle Brewing Co.

6.5% Alcohol

At the big mining show in the little apple. What on earth, or in the earth, would we be mining for in downtown Toronto? Beer of course. That’s right, at the Mining4Beer soiree at the Craft Beer Market. A great evening, kudos to Cameron and all those involved. With attendance at a thousand plus, we can ponder the reasons why the event is so popular. Circle as many of the following as you think may apply;

  • The great networking opportunity,
  • The huge beer selection,

If you circled all three you are correct. If you circled FREE BEER, you are also correct.

From the vast array on the tray I chose a Mind Flay IPA. No need to pay. Yay.

Well Played Mind Flay

A Chronicle classic and classy draft pour by the CBM expert draft drawers. A two-phase golden hazy presentation, a proud pour with head held high. A hoppy aroma, as cranked up as Farmer Steve is when he gets stuck with the bill. The taste is mild juice with some major bitters strong enough to chew on. Little miss juice meets big brother bitters. Nearing about as balanced as it’s going to get, it’s juice previews with a bitters double feature. Big swigs reveal some fruit among the pines. Tasty and refreshing, mind flayed, well played.

For those allergic to bitters stay away from this brew. Hey, don’t laugh, a beer allergy is nothing to sneeze at.*

I quite enjoyed this one, a classic bitter IPA. The beer was great, the free didn’t hurt either.

*Editor’s Comment: If that joke was a horse, we'd have to shoot it.

Final Rating: Not at All Bitter about a 16 out of 20

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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