Cranky Reviews

Need a Lift?

Amber Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 12

Other Info

Need a Lift?

Kilt Lifter

Four Peaks Brewery

6% Alcohol

Need a lift? Well, an updraft, or an amber, usually lifts my kilt. Love me an amber.  So when I saw this amber ale Kilt Lifter I said to myself I gotta get me some of that. It turns out this is the beer that got things started for Four Peaks back in 96, and is still their number one seller.* The official cure for a temporarily displaced homesick cranky old Scotsman visiting Arizona.** As if I needed any more good reasons to pour and score this amber beauty. Will a lift of the glass lift my spirits? Do tell.
A dark amberesque shade with a solid chunk of chalk head. A caramel float, straight from the  ol’ malt shoppe. Caramel in, on and around the nose. First quaff is an already fading fizz and a stalwart malt caramel body start to finish. No hops no bitters, or any other typical distractions, just caramel sweet. Not too sweet but almost. The fizz fades but stays for a slightly carbonated malt caramel craft.  No heavy lifting here, it’s a smooth operator.
A good solid caramel concentrated amber ale, not too shabby.

*Editor's Comment: Four Peaks reports that Kilt Lifter is a multi award winning ale that represents 60% of their total sales.

**Editor's Comment: The links may be another cure. It looks like there is at least one golf course for each Scotsman in Arizona.

Final Rating: Uplifting at 15 out of 20

Amber Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 12


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