Cranky Reviews

Never Say Never

Sour Beer

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Never Say Never

Ebb & Flow Five Alive

Muskoka Brewery

5% Alcohol

Maybe this should be called crazy old men drinking beer because after my last sour, and souring, experience I said never again. But here I am sampling a sour and thinking to myself never say never, again. But while sharing my first sour disaster with the province’s leading authority on beer he told me that there are lots of great sours out there and not to be discouraged. So instead of saying screw it to all sours, I screwed my courage to the sticking place*, that being my glass, and poured another one.

This brew poured golden hazy thick with a bright white head of foam on top of this sour patch doll. A very fresh fruit aroma, I think they have squeezed (figuratively and literally) every citrus fruit in the grocery store in there. They say they have orange, lemon, grapefruit, tangerine and lime in there, which not coincidentally are the five fruit flavours in the popular juice drink Five Alive.** The aroma has a touch of sour tang in there, and the whole concoction smells great.

It takes me back to the juice named Beep that the milkman used to deliver to your door with the milk back in the day. First swig is fruit tangy sour but not pucker up sour, and although it doesn’t taste like beer it is interesting, refreshing and quite delicious. It is also very easy drinking. Thank goodness this is a very different experience than my last sour.  Tangy, fruity and yes sour but not screw up your face sour, just tangy sour.  I don’t think I would order one at the Ports*** but no problem quaffing one on the deck in the sun or in the comfort of my own lazy boy.

Not your grandpa’s beer unless you’re my grandkid.

Never again will I say never again.

*Editor’s Comment: “Screw your courage to the sticking place” is an idiom from Shakespeare's play Macbeth. It means be firm and resolute and don't lose your courage.

**Editor’s Comment: According to Coca-Cola, owners of the Five Alive brand, “Five Alive has the ‘citrus zing’ that makes you Feel Alive!”

***Editor's Comment: The Portsmouth Tavern is located at 96 Yonge St., Kingston, Ontario

Final Rating: A Five Fruit Tart & Tangy Super Suds Sour at 15 out of 20

Sour Beer

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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