Cranky Reviews

No Thunder Tonight

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


No Thunder Tonight

Ripple Effect

Bench Brewing Co.

5% Alcohol

I remember as a kid the sci-fi story that got me hooked on the genre was “A Sound of Thunder” by Ray Bradbury. The ending blew me away!* It was our first introduction as a society to the butterfly effect.** Bench has named this beer the Ripple Effect, not referring to having chips and dip with your brew (which I highly recommend), but that every action today can make a difference tomorrow. As in a good beer tonight can make for a good review tomorrow. Some thunder tonight perhaps?

What they are inferring is not a positive COM beer review, but that by buying this beer, which they tell us is brewed carbon neutral and has a zero waste water footprint, I have done my part to stem the tide and make the planet green again. I know my vehicle has a smaller carbon footprint when it’s in neutral. As far as waste goes, waste not want not, and I want a beer so I won’t be wasting any of it. But to be honest there was some wastewater after drinking this beer. (Editor’s Comment: TMI, let’s leave the wastewater part out.)

A darker golden auburn hazy pour, this pale ale ain’t pale. A malty aroma also reminiscent of our Editor, as in a little nutty. And the taste? The taste is not much malt, not much fruit. A bit of fizz, seems like there’s not much of lots. Carbon neutral taste too? Maybe conserving flavour for later? One can hope.

A bit of fruit with a very mild bitter finish that might eventually be crisp. There looks to be an off combo here. It seems like the fruit and malt are combined rather than in sequence and involved in an uncomfortable spooning session. Big swig test yields a bit more flavour. Maybe I should try a huge swig? Maybe not.

The fruit and malt combo results in an acetic rather that aesthetic finish. Ok body but not a lot of flavour, it’s almost as if the malt and fruit are cancelling each other out. No ill effects, in fact not much effect at all, and if I’m being reflective, it was somewhat ineffective. Impact negligible. A pale ale rather than a Pale Ale, as in paling by comparison to other Pales. No thunder tonight.

*Editor’s Comment: If you’ve read the story you will catch our reviewer’s reference to being blown away.

**Editor’s Comment: Chaos theory has expounded since the 1800’s on the possibility that small changes will be amplified over centuries and result in possible major impacts in the future. Bradbury’s story used the analogy of killing a butterfly in prehistoric times before it was supposed to die, as having a significant impact in present day. Written in 1952, the story was set in 2055. Bradbury was unknowingly prescient to the focus today on climate change and the impact our immediate actions or inactions will have on future generations.

Final Rating: A Fairly Pale 12 out of 20

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


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