Cranky Reviews

Not in Saison

Dark Saison

Beer Type

7 to 10

7 to 10

Poor Pours


Not in Saison

Le Hibou Dark Saison

Dominion City Brewery

6% Alcohol

Editor: Our indomitable craftsman RA takes one for the team on this saison reflux review. An expensive and exotic brew which is not typically in his wheelhouse, or beer fridge, so we are assuming it was a gift. Or even more likely a regift.

I had to find a bottle opener. Luckily, or unluckily perhaps, one was on top of the fridge, but I had to dust it off.

First pop smells boozy, first pour saw the head dissipate quickly. It smelt like a pastrami sandwich. First swig smelt and tasted like pickle juice. Very bubbly, effervescently carbonated. I was hoping for a taste of beer in there somewhere, anywhere, instead it was an herbaceous deli sandwich, with vinegar coleslaw.* Maybe a hint of sour cherry sherry bitters.

Perhaps a Christmas present passed its prime?** I’ve had some other beers from Dominion City, and they were excellent. Their Pilsner was very good and their Stout was amazing.

I think I should try some more exotic beers, maybe a lot more, in order to acclimatize my tastes to the nuances of all the beers that are out there. and this one sure was out there. It was a bit too much for my tender taste buds. This is a barrel aged saison sherry beer that I should have passed on, or passed on to someone else. Not my favourite.


Editor’s Comment: The COMDB Translation Department. tell us that “Le Hibou” is French for “the owl”. In France the owl represents Dijon, the capital of the region of Burgundy, a region famous for their wines. Dijon is also a popular mustard at the Deli.

*Editor’s Comment: What did you have for lunch? Is this a reflux review?

**Editor’s Comment: This is a $10 a bottle brew, or 4 quarterly interest free payments of $2.50. Dominion tell us that it was aged in Pinot Noir barrels for 2 years and then bottled September 13th 2020. Some things age like fine wine, sounds like this one ages like milk.

Final Rating: Deli Buffet Brew at 10 out of 20

Dark Saison

Beer Type

7 to 10

7 to 10

Poor Pours


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