Cranky Reviews

Not on the Level

Beer Type

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The Dregs


Not on the Level

Level Lager

Harrowsmith Brewing Co.

4.8% Alcohol

I decided to wait 24 hours before writing this review so I could tone down my distaste for this brew. I don’t think I have ever poured a craft beer with no head. I am not sure where the slightly muted golden colour comes from, but it isn’t from the flavour, or to be more precise, the total lack of flavour, of this tasteless brew. Almost tasteless. If I had 100 gallons of water and added half of a skunky lemon I may be able to duplicate the taste, then again it may taste better than this brew. Harrowsmith, you better check your level against itself, because it’s vial. *

On a lighter note, perhaps on a hot summer’s day I would share this beer with my asshole neighbor. This beer is plumb** disappointing.

I love almost all craft beers, but this one really made me cranky. R.A.

*Editor’s Comment: The “vial” (viewing glass) in a level, versus the “vile”ness of this beer. Good one.

**Editor’s Comment: Another level reference, you are on a roll!

Final Rating: A Harrowing 2 out of 20

Beer Type

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0 to 6

The Dregs


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