Cranky Reviews

NSFAQs about Ashton

Amber Ale

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


NSFAQs about Ashton

Ashton Amber Ale

Ashton Brewing Company

5% Alcohol

Not So Frequently Asked Questions about Ashton;

  • How big is Ashton? 212 people if Fred hasn’t gone missing again.
  • Where is Ashton? About 40 kms SW of Ottawa.
  • Is Ashton named after Ashton Kutcher? No, it was named in 1851 for Ashton-under-Lyne, a suburb of Manchester, England.
  • What is Ashton’s claim to fame: The Ashton Brewing Company (ABC)

Don’t Blink

According to the ABC, the town of Ashton is so small “if you blink you miss it.” It may be a small town, but It goes without saying that at the end of the day you can’t judge a book by it’s cover, and we all know good things come in small packages. Small in size but big on clichés maybe?

This Amber Ale pours golden, not as dark as many ambers, with a flickering red tinge from the fire snapping and crackling in the background. The head left with Fred.  An ambrosia of amber aroma, mild but inviting. Taste is a mild amber flavour body with a strong bitter crisp finish. An easy drinking body with a toned-down amber as opposed to a full roasted malt. As the quaff carries on the backend bitters settle down a bit. Now they are gone. Now they are back. You know how those bitters are sometimes, easy come, easy go.*

An amber lager style body with a definite crisp bitter ale finish. A good solid amber ale.

*Editor’s Comment: That was cliché number 7 which ties your previous record, but who’s counting.

Final Rating: Another FAQ; How does this beer rate? That would be a 14 out of 20

Amber Ale

Beer Type

11 to 14

11 to 14

Honourable Mentions


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