Cranky Reviews

One More Thing I Like on My Pizza that I Never Thought I Would Like in My Beer, But I Do*

Mushroom Porter

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


IBU 30

Other Info

One More Thing I Like on My Pizza that I Never Thought I Would Like in My Beer, But I Do*

Mushroom Porter

Sawdust City Brewing

4.8% Alcohol

50 pounds of these in my beer!

I like mushrooms on pizza and pasta, and as a side with a nice well-done seared sizzled and scorched steak from the BBQ. I’m a big fan of Sawdust City too, great beers and as witnessed here, they aren’t afraid to experiment. When it comes to beer, well I’m a fun guy, but mushrooms in my beer? That doesn’t sound good. Cremini and lion’s mane mushrooms no less, they sound gourmet to me. Too fancy for my pizza, but OK for my beer?

We did sample SC’s Papagenu, a beer inspired by magic mushrooms, but there were none in it, I hope. So time to hit the beech, see what’s shiitaking and get maitake on this brew, and see if SC is on the button with this one, morel or less. Maybe I should be drinking this one with my local mycologist.**

A creamy pour, looks like a nitro special, dark body with a foamy mushroom cap. An aroma of roasted malt with some cocoa and earthy tones, smells great. Doesn’t smell mushroomy.**  It looks creamy but has a  light slightly watery mouthfeel and a full roasted malt flavour with some lager cocoa sweet, a bit earthy, all well balanced. Very tasty. A light porter with some sweet makes for a cross between a porter and a full flavoured dark lager. Mushroom is the headliner here, but is only a bit player in the flavour, accentuating the Porter positively. The fine art of subtle is on full display with this brew.

*Editor’s Comment: Our reviewer sampled a pineapple sour the other day and quite enjoyed it. His review is being edited now. As you can imagine, the one and two word descriptions I get require a fair bit of editing to end up in an acceptable state for a prestigious website, or any website actually, even this one.

**Editor’s Comment: A mycologist is someone who works with funghi including molds, yeast and mushrooms, and is an acceptable Scrabble word. Mushroomy is actually a word in the Miriam Webster dictionary but is not acceptable in Scrabble.

Final Rating: A 16 out of 20 Morel or Less

Mushroom Porter

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Other Info

IBU 30


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