Cranky Reviews

Parallel Universe

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Parallel Universe

Craft Lager

Parallel 49

5% Alcohol

Cranky Old Men are in the house once again at the annual CIM mining Convention, soaking in the Vancouver sun and wrap tapping the Mining Now show with Jerrod and Rory. Back in the day these conferences were all about drinking triples, seeing double and acting single. These days it’s one and done and live to drink another day. It turns out young Joshua is a pundit on purveyors of fine parfaits and gave us a top 5 list. I was reminded of one of the many wise and wonderful ways of the world postulates from none other than Donkey, and I quote “everyone loves a parfait”.* All yogurt desserts aside, Joshua also provided some valuable intel.  His friend Oliver is the head brewer at the local brewery Parallel 49.

Meanwhile in a parallel universe known as the beer store, I’m shopping for brews for the show and since COMDB is fiscally restrained** I asked the young man at the cash “what’s the cheapest thing in the store”. He replied without hesitation “it appears that you are, sir”. I believe addressing me as sir was a sign of respect. Lo and behold, the least costly brew was a Parallel 49 Craft Lager. What’s the name of the beer you ask. It’s Craft Lager. A COMDB beer naming party may be in order.

East Van going down.

Vancouver to the core, the label is an East Van Jesus of Suburbia cross that made my green day.*** The beer poured light golden with next to no head and a mild malt aroma, the beer had easy drinking written all over it.  Not literally of course, it’s just an expression damn it. As easy as a Sunday morning, according to Lionel Richie,*** although to be honest not all Sunday mornings are as easy as others.  I think Lionel was generalizing.

And easy drinking it is. A big swig tail gate bush party Lager if ever there was one. Smooth mild malt with a clean finish, no hops or bitters, just a basic nice flavoured refreshing craft lager named….Craft Lager. As crushable as the can. The team had high praise,  high scores and high times for this down home easy going down super suds.


*Editor's Comment: Donkey, voiced by Eddie Murphy from the 2001 movie Shrek.

**Editor's Comment: He's cheap.

***Editor’s Comment: Jesus of Suburbia is a song from the 2004 album American Idiot by Green Day. Easy is a 1977 song written and sung by Lionel Richie and the Commodores.

Final Rating: Parallel to a 16 out of 20

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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