Cranky Reviews

Por Favor, Muchas Gracias, and De Nada *

California Common

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Por Favor, Muchas Gracias, and De Nada *

De Nada

Prince Eddy's Brewing Company

4.9% Alcohol

De Nada, sounds like Spanish to me. A call out to the COMDB translation department was in order. They quickly responded with “Your welcome” which seemed premature to me since they hadn’t provided me with a translation therefore, I hadn’t even said thank you yet. When it was clarified that the translation was actually “your welcome” I said “thank you” and they said “it’s nothing”.

Prince Eddy’s has whipped up a Cali Common for us. The origins of the California Common type of lager stem back to the Anchor Brewing company of San Francisco, originator of “steam beer” and in many circles  recognized as the first craft brewer. It is perhaps a timely tribute as the brewery which was founded in 1896 has now gone into receivership, following a downward spiral after their purchase by Sapporo in 2017.**

This is a “club de la cerveza del mes” selection and not our first visit to  Prince Eddy’s sandbanks. It pours a deep dark amber with some rouge highlights. Did somebody say amber? I do love me an amber. The thinnest and slimmest of heads, paper cut thin. A malted malty malt aroma, some caramel sweet in the mix perhaps? Perhaps. And what a great malt lager taste. A light mouthfeel with full malt and caramel flavour,  it’s an amber, and that alone is cause for celebration.  Smooth, with a touch of bitter and crisp on the finish. Full flavour and easy drinking, a crushable amber beauty.

I have to say thank you to Prince Eddy’s for such a great beer, and of course, their response is “De Nada”.


*COMDB Translation Department: A Spanish lesson in manners. Por Favor, Muchas Gracias, and De Nada. Please, thank you and your welcome.

**Editor’s Comment: Under Sapporo’s ownership there was much dissension in the ranks and in 2019 Anchor became the first unionized craft brewer in the USA. On July 12, 2023 Sapporo announced that it was closing down Anchor and liquidating the business. Efforts are being made for an employee or local buyout.

Final Rating: A Crushable Amber Muchas Gracias at 17 out of 20

California Common

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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