Cranky Reviews


India Session Lager

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds



Devil's Punchbowl

Clifford Brewery Co.

4.8% Alcohol

The Devil’s Punchbowl? * What ever “possessed” Clifford to name this beer after the devil? It sounds more like a Duke** college football game than a beer. And what the devil is an India Session Lager anyway? I have had the good and the bad when it comes to mixing genres, let’s hope this one is on the super suds side of the equation. I had sampled a nice porter from Clifford previously so I had high hopes for this offering.

A hazy golden pour in this punchbowl, with some bubbles rising from the depths. Very mild bread aroma, fresh, almost nothing on the nose. The first swig reveals a fresh fruit crisp malt, a very interesting different and tasty mix. A smooth finish to end a well balanced mix of tastes and styles.  There is a touch of hops in there, with fruit and malt and a crisp finish. A little bit of everything in this one but it is balanced and it all works. Punchbowl for sure, devil be damned.

*Editor’s Comment: Legend says that the Devil lived at the 'Devil's Jumps', near Churt in the UK. He would torment Thor, God of Thunder, who lived at Thor's Lie (Thursley), by jumping from hill to hill. Thor would try to strike the Devil with thunder and lightning and once scooped up a handful of earth and hurled it at the Devil. The depression that remained is the Devil's Punch Bowl. Closer to home in both time and space, the Devil's Punch Bowl is a 37-metre ribbon waterfall on the Niagara Escarpment, in the Stoney Creek community of Hamilton, Ontario, which just so happens to be where Clifford brewing is based.

**Editor’s Comment: The Duke Blue Devils are the sports teams representing Duke University out of Durham, North Carolina.

Final Rating: Punch Drunk at 15 out of 20

India Session Lager

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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