Cranky Reviews

Raised Right

Country Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


Raised Right

The Barn Raiser

Oast House Brewers

5% Alcohol

According to Oast, unlike Rome, you can build a barn in a day. Then you celebrate with a big ol’ shin dig. And all those friends at the barn raising who helped you with the timber and clapboard and trusses, well you toast ‘em with an Oast. Sounds like a lot of fun, expect for the building a barn in a day part. If I remember correctly Oast House is in fact an old barn.

The last time I went to a barn raising, I got there just as they were finishing, so I raised the roof*. Of course I’m kidding, I’m a kidder, I have never been to a barn raising. I did however recently raise a glass, but it’s been a while since I raised Cain, although I think I’m still able. I have also on occasion raised the possibility of having a second beer, at which time the Department of Morality raises her eyebrows, so before she starts raising a fuss, I raise the white flag. And through no fault of my own I am asked on occasion if I was raised right, and as a kid I remember being asked if I was raised in a barn. For breakfast this morning I had Raisin Bran, which quite coincidentally is an anagram to barn raisin’.**

Time for a toast to Oast. This pour yields a nice golden sunset over the new barn roof, with a slim trim head above the rafters. Truss me on this. Ale inhale is a bread malt aroma with hops.  The taste is crisp and clean and tasty.  An easy drinking flavourful ale body with moderate bitters for a finish. A very good traditional flavourful and crisp country ale. A great ale to watch the game with, or after a barn raising so I hear.


*Editor’s Comment: Our reviewer is a grand master at the art of out-of-date clichés.

**Editor’s Comment: I hate to say it, but for some reason beyond comprehension I find this interesting.

Final Rating: Rating Raised to 16 out of 20

Country Ale

Beer Type

15 to 20

15 to 20

Super Suds


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