Cranky Reviews



Beer Type

7 to 10

7 to 10

Poor Pours



North Star

Gateway City Brewery

5.8% Alcohol

What the hell is a Rauchbier you ask. Well let me tell you. Rauchbier is a German-style beer brewed with smoked malt. It can be any style, but usually it is a lager. Smoked beer. Maybe this is one beer my tokin’ tee totaling friend IF might go for, he is the connoisseur of smoke after all.

Looks nice in the glass, dark golden with a nice white head. Before I even took a swig I could smell smoke and we all know where there is smoke there is fire. First taste confirmed, smoky it is. Smokier than a 1960’s boardroom. It tastes like smoked salmon without the salmon.

So I am hoping to escape that smoked flavour eventually. Like when you want to escape the conversation at a family reunion with that spinster niece who is telling you about her new accountant boyfriend isn’t boring like most accountants and he likes cycling and cats and on and on and on. Or trying to escape that guy that corners you at the office Christmas party who works in accounting and wants to tell you about his bicycles and his pet cats. You are hoping, praying, that their inane chatter will come to an end. Just as I was hoping the overwhelming smoky flavour of my Rauchbier would tone down a bit, but it was not to be.

I am a Gateway fan but these smoked suds have a unique flavour that left me gasping for clean air and another beer to cleanse my palette. Not my thing.

Final Rating: Raunchy 10 out of 20


Beer Type

7 to 10

7 to 10

Poor Pours


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